Why Title Tags are Important for Ranking Your Website

Anyone who owns a website and publishes original content on it wants to see the site ranked higher on Google and other search engines. While many may believe that writing a top-quality piece of content, publishing it, and promoting it is enough to make the website successful, it is certainly not. In this era of fierce competition when thousands of websites are competing for the same kind of audience.

In such a competitive environment, SEO practices play an essential role in website ranking. According to Moz – a renowned SEO software – title tags are the second most crucial factor for ranking your website after the content. Title tags can be the make or break factor in the success of your website. Optimized title tags are essential in boosting the ranking of your website as well as increases its traffic. Many programs like Web Fire can also help websites in writing unique titles and content to enure the website is ranked higher. Sometimes, the ranking might be higher, but the clicks can still be low due to bad or unattractive title tags.
This article discusses all of the important information about title tags and why they are vital in the ranking of a website.

What is a Title Tag?

Title tags are not much different from the titles in books and magazines, except that the title helps in the ranking of articles on the search engine results page (SERP). An attractive title that follows SEO standard will always rank higher. Title tags are displayed on SERPs as the clickable text for the keyword searched by a user. They provide an accurate and brief description of the content.

Usually, Google displays 40-60 characters of a title tag. Therefore, it often recommended keeping the title tags under 50 characters so that it is fully displayed by the search engines, and readers are more likely to click.

Importance of Title Tags in Ranking of a Website

Title tags are one of the most critical factors in helping search engines getting familiar with the content of your website. Moreover, the title is the very first impression that people will have on your website.

Title tags are relevant in ranking your website due to the following reasons:

High Ranking on SERPs

The title tag of your article will determine its rank on the search engine result page. The more attractive and better it is, the higher it will be ranked, which means a large number of people are likely to click on it.

A Unique Title Tag

A unique title tag will help search engines like Google to understand the uniqueness and credibility of the content. As a result, your content will stand out from the thousands of web pages present on the web, and the website will be ranked higher.

Promotion on Social Network

Social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram use the title tag of an article to determine what to show when that page is shared. Hence, a captivating title tag is vital for the promotion of your website.

How to write good Title Tags?

Now we are familiar with the importance of good title tags. We also will want to learn about standard SEO practices to write engaging title tags.

Keep an Optimum Length of Title Tag

A long title is cut off, and ellipsis is automatically added by the search engine. You should keep the title under 60 characters long. Moreover, avoid capitalizing the title as some users may find it difficult to read, and it will dramatically limit the number of characters to be displayed.

Do not add excessive SEO keywords

The primary keyword should not be used excessively as it is a bad SEO practice. For example, a title like “Buy clothes, best clothes available, discounted clothes” is not a good title as it overemphasizes the keyword "clothes." These types of the title are often flagged by the search engines for inappropriate uses, so you should avoid them.

Write a unique title for each page of the website

Unique titles are essential in distinguishing the content of pages and attracting new users. Sometimes, it is not possible to write a completely unique title since millions of pages are already on the web on various topics. However, modern tools and code-based templates are present, which can help you in writing an engaging title tag.

Write important keywords at the start

Keywords that are at the start of a title tag have more impact on the search ranking. Moreover, people are also more likely to read the first few words of a search result, so it is highly recommended that you write the keywords at the start of a title tag to attract more traffic and rank your website higher.

If you have a website and want to make sure you have the best title tags and SEO optimiztion you should consider programs like Web Fire. You'll be able to root check out any issues with your website and substantially improve its SEO rankings.


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