Pricing Strategies to Increase Your Sales

For example, when you list your pricing, write it as, "Normally $197 -- Only $97 Today!"
You can also come up with reasons to have such discounts listed. These reasons can be mentioned next to the discounted price as well. These could be things like a holiday special, inventory closeout, end of year special pricing, manager’s special, etc.. Any reason works and makes it seem like a legitimate deal that customers have to take advantage of.
Remember, people love a bargain. So create the perception of a great deal by listing your “normal” price next to your sales price (eg, "Normally $197 -- Only $97 Today!"). Also consider names for special deals just to have a reason for that deal (like a holiday discount or manager’s special).
For more great pricing strategies, as well as little-known marketing tricks, check out this book: 50 Marketing Tips & Tricks Learned After $100 Million in Sales Over 20 Years!.
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